Case Number REFERENCE NO. 17 OF 2014

The Above Reference was scheduled for hearing of oral evidence on 8th and 9th September 2015. However, on 8th September 2015, the Respondent raised a preliminary point of law premised on Section 20 of the East Africa Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act; the gist of which was that the Applicant and her witnesses were members and/or officers of the East Africa Legislative Assembly but had not secured leave from the Assembly to adduce evidence before this Court.

RespondentThe Secretary General, East African Community
ComplainantRt. Hon. Margaret Zziwa
Date filed
CountriesEast African Community
Treaty Article

First Instance Judgment

VerdictIn the result, we find that the Respondent's preliminary objection is improperly before this Court. We so rule
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Date deliveredSeptember 8, 2015

Appeal Judgment

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Date delivered