East African Court of Justice Strategic Plan 2018 -2023
This Strategic Plan for the East African Court of Justice is being developed at a time when the East African Community has made remarkable progress and achievements in certain areas of cooperation. For instance, in the legal sector some work has gone into putting in place policies aimed at harmonizing legal training and certification; which is expected to encourage standardisation of judgments of Courts within the Community and approximating the Partner States municipal laws. Some progress has also been registered in the trade and investment areas. The East African Legislative Assembly has enacted some Community Legislation, thereby contributing towards the Community legal system. Various activities aimed at sensitizing stakeholders on the EAC programmes, projects and activities have been undertaken by different Organs of EAC.
On the part of the Court, some achievements have been registered. The Court, like other Organs of the Community, is established under the Treaty and has been in existence since November 2001 when it was inaugurated. It has since contributed, within its mandate, to the EAC Integration process by settling disputes, for instance cases number 1 of 2011 and number 9 of 2012 between the East African Law Society and The Secretary General of the East African Community and The East African Centre for Trade Policy and Law and the Secretary General of the East African Community respectively were both on Common Market and Customs Union Protocols. As a result, the EACJ has guided the integration process as mandated by the Treaty and also contributed to regional jurisprudence.
The Court aims to have its integral role in the EAC integration process recognized and appreciated. For the EAC to enjoy increased trade and enhance its economic development, it is crucial to have a functional and trusted dispute resolution mechanism in place. This will go a long way in building investor confidence and assuring East African Citizens that there is an organ that is capable of guiding the integration process according to law, thereby leading to enjoyment of the fruits of integration by all. This Strategic Plan will guide EACJ in playing this important role of being a trusted, world class dispute resolution organ of the Community.
Hon. Mr Justice Nestor Kayobera
Judge President & Justice of Appeal
East African Court of Justice