by Salim Salim | Feb 14, 2013
By a Notice of Motion dated 10th July, 2010, the Applicant moved this Court under Rules 4, 84 and 85 of the East African Court of Justice Rules of Procedure, 2010 (the “Rules ”) for Orders that: The time for the Applicant for filing an appeal from the judgment of the...
by Salim Salim | Jun 22, 2010
The Applicant in Application No. 1 of 2010 filed sought orders to strike out the Appeal on grounds that the record of Appeal was not served within time, whereas the Attorney General of Kenya (the Applicant) in Application No. 2 of 2010, moved this Court under rule 4...
by Salim Salim | Mar 5, 2010
This is an application by the Attorney General of Kenya for extension of time to serve a Memorandum and Record of Appeal out of time. Alternatively, the Memorandum of Appeal and the Record of Appeal filed and served on the Respondents on the 13th of January 2010 be...
by Salim Salim | Oct 16, 2009
Upon the conclusion of Reference No.1 of 2006, the Respondents were awarded costs which were taxed on 19th December 2008. In January 2009, the Respondents Advocate demanded settlement of the decretal sum but the same was still pending in April 2009 when the Applicant...